Bleach 373 Spoiler

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_ A n d r y ;
view post Posted on 8/9/2009, 08:30     +1   -1

Stato: Confermato
ゆけ スターク!  とスターク
Go Stark!!
Together with stark, the wolves attack both Love and Rose
棍棒ともう一人の髪の長い男性の武器は鞭 金薔薇ウイップ?w 鞭の先端に薔薇
Both Love and Rose release, Rose's shikai is a whip which has a golden tipped rose
Love continuously takes on countless explosions from the wolves.

爆発から脱出し ラブ これは一体一体セロでできているぞ!?
Emerging from the explosion Love says: What the hell is this? This is done with ceros?
スターク セロなんかじゃあんた達にたいしてダメージが与えられないのはわかっている
Stark: They're something like ceros. Anyway, you know you guys have not gotten much damage yet
Those are parts of my spirit I separated
This is the ability of Starrk(Furuneemu) and Lilinette(Furuneemu)

ラブ・ロンゲ !? 囲まれ一斉に爆発 瀕死の状態へ・・・
The wolves surround Rose and Love in a huge explosion. Sending on the verge of death.
スターク もうどうだい降参したら? と空から地上へと降りて足がついた途端に
Stark: Why not surrender? The moment Aizen descends from the sky and steps on the ground....
後ろから 刀が心の臓に突き刺さった所で 完です。
From behind, Stark gets stabbed straight through the heart.

Stato: Confermato
wolves ain't howl alone

Love and Rose don their masks against the attacking wolves.
ローズも始解、「奏でろ 金沙羅(きんしゃら)」
Rose goes shikai "Play, Golden Sal Tree!"
His sword blade becomes a whip with a flower(s) on the tip. It may not be a rose.
ローズ、金沙羅奏曲第十一番 十六夜薔薇という技を使用。
Rose uses "Golden Sal Tree Sonata #11, 16 Night Rose"
The tip of the whip hits the wolves, he moves his fingers on it like a piano, and causes an explosion at the tip?
They try to kick the wolves away but their numbers are too great. Finally they are touched by one and are injured by an explosion.
Love: These wolves are made up revolver cylinders. Each one is a mass of ceros, or rather, a bomb.
Here Stark explains.
狼はセロではなく、自分自身の魂そのものを分かち引き裂き、同胞のように連れ従えそれそのもを 武器とする。
They aren't ceros. They are made up my own spirit that I've split up. They are like brothers as well as weapons.
その狼はスタークであり、リリネット。それが俺たちプリメーラ、コヨーテ・スターク、リリネット・ジンジャ ーバックの能力
Those wolves are Stark, Lilynette. That's the ability of Stark Coyote Lilynette Gingerback.

Stark says it's over and if they run away he'll let them go. Love (who's lost his glasses) says not to treat them lightly.
スターク、とどめって言葉好きじゃねえが、止めだと電柱の天辺に立ったところで後ろからなんか刺されて終わ り。
Stark: "I don't like the word, "clincher," but that's what it is." As he stands high up on a light pole, he's stabbed from behind. The end.

I've not sure because it's blackened, but it's a little too big for a sword.
He's pierced lower than his hole so I don't think we'll have another situation like with Nnoitra.

SPOILER (click to view)

Edited by ™The•Bestψ™ - 10/9/2009, 08:23
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